ZLND pump

 Volute-style pumps for use with clear or turbid liquids that are free of solid particles. Available in bare shaft (ZLND),  meeting EN 733 and ISO 9908.

+ Ease of maintenance assured by design that enables key components of each unit to be removed and serviced without disturbing the attached pipe work

+  Broad application flexibility enabled by more than 50 sizes, plus a wide range of material and configuration options

+  Reduced operating cost via low net positive suction head (NPSH), high reliability and high efficiency


Nút số điện thoại liên kết tới Zalo với logo Zalo
Nút số điện thoại liên kết tới Zalo với logo Zalo


+  Flows to: 1800 m3 /h (7925 gpm)

+ Heads to: 140 m (459 ft)

+ Press. to: 16 bar (232 psi)

+ Temp: to 170°C (338°F)