Direct – Driven Diaphragm Metering Pump

+ Max discharge volume: 0.03~30L/m
+ Max discharge pressure: 1.0MPa
* Advantages :
+ Extensive selection of liquid – end materials
+ Highly corrosion-resistance,
+ Simple mechanism facilitates maintenance
* Applications:
– Chemical Transfer/ Injection
– Temperature Regulation
– Preparation/ Mixing
– pH Neutralization
– Boiler Chemical Injection
– Chemical Injection to cooling tower


Nút số điện thoại liên kết tới Zalo với logo Zalo
Nút số điện thoại liên kết tới Zalo với logo Zalo

Model : 0.034 (Max.dischage volume : 0.034 L/min)

Model FXD . FYD . FXW . FYW
003 006 01 02*² 03 06 08*³ 1 2 3*² 4
Max. discharge volume (50Hz/60Hz)*¹ L/min 0.03/0.036 0.05/0.06
0.1/0.12 0.2/0.24 0.3/0.36 0.6/0.72 0.83/1 1/1.2 1.5/1.8 2.5/3 3.3/4*⁴
L/h 1.8/2.16 3/3.6
[ 3.6/4.32]
6/7.2 12/14.4 18/21.6 36/43.2 49.8/60 60/72 90/108 150/180 198/240
US G/h 0.48/0.57 0.79/0.95
1.6/1.9 3.2/3.8 4.8/5.7 9.5/11.4 13.1/15.8 15.8/19 23.8/28.5 39.6/47.5 52.3/63.4
Max. discharge pressure MPa 1*⁵ 1*⁶ 0.5 0.3 0.3*⁴
bar 10 10 5 3 3
psi 145 145 72.5 43.5 43.5

*1 Value in [ ] are for motor attachment direction horizontal type “Y”.
*2 Motor attachment direction vertical type ”X” only.
*3 Can only be selected if Liquid end material are ” VECE” or ”VESE” for the direct drive diaphragm type
*4 For the direct drive diaphragm type and diaphragm PTFE, discharge volume: 3L/min, 3.6 L/min (60Hz), discharge pressure 0.25MPa
*5 Hose connection for Liquid end materials ”STST” : 0.5 MPa
*6 Hose connection for Liquid end materials ”STST”, ”FTCE”, ”FTCF’, or ”FTCT”: 0.5 MPa


Model:3P~30(Max.discharge volume:3~30L/min)

Model FXD  . FXW 
3P 6 8 10 10P 15 20 20P 30
Max. discharge volume (50Hz/60Hz) L/min 3/3.6 5.6/6.8 7.2/8.6 12-Oct 12-Oct 13.3/16 17.5/21 17.5/21 25/30
L/h 180/216 336/408 432/516 600/720 600/720 798/960 1050/1260 1050/1260 1500/1800
US G/h 47.5/57 88.7/107.7 114/136.2 158.4/190.1 158.4/190.1 210.7/253.4 277.2/332.6 277.2/332.6 396/475.2
Max. discharge pressure MPa 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.4
bar 7 5 3 5 3 5 4
psi 101.5 72.5 43.5 72.5 43.5 72.5 58